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                永高 永高
                520·Focus with you in Nanchang


                Article resorce:YONGGAONONGMU

                Browse num:1157

                In Nanchang in the early summer, there is a carnival from animal husbandry practitioners, and it is also a dream-building journey for like-minded animal herdsmen...


                Jiangxi · Nanchang

                On May 20, 2021, the 3-day 19th China Animal Husbandry Expo came to a successful conclusion at Nanchang Greenland International Expo Center!

                In 3 days, Yonggao Farming from the beginning to the successful conclusion, every detail is devoted to our infinite love and pursuit of animal husbandry!

                “It’s hard for people to get together and say goodbye after gathering”, although the exhibition period is short, we have met many businessmen and industry veterans who walk hand in hand with Yonggao Farming, and witnessed the grand occasion of the exhibition and the continuous improvement of product quality of Yonggao Farming with you.

                Intelligent Feeding System

                Intelligent Feeding System Solutions

                Listening to the voices of customers and developing valuable products, we have gained a lot from the exchanges with you and continue to reminisce......

                During the exhibition, Yonggao Farming also conducted a live broadcast of the booth with the industry media, showing the new development and new trends of Yonggao this year to the audience who could not come to the scene.

                Every day at the exhibition site, you can see the spectacular scene of surging crowds and feel the enthusiasm of the whole venue.

                Here, we would like to thank the old customers and friends from all over the world. Your presence is the greatest recognition for us, and your support is the driving force for us to keep moving forward!

                There is an appointment across the mountain and across the sea

                Build a dream and move forward

                We’ll see you in 2022 rain or shine!