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                永高 永高
                Days with Euro Tier China 2020


                Article resorce:YONGGAONONGMU

                Browse num:1245

                On September 9, 2020, the Euro Tier China 2020 ushered in the conclusion, which is another harvest trip for Yonggao Farming.

                Yonggao Farming brought new technologies and new products to Euro Tier China 2020. With its high-quality material line products and enthusiastic and professional explanations, it brought a new exhibition experience to domestic and foreign customers.

                uro Tier China 2020 is a fast channel for domestic animal husbandry enterprises to lead to the international market. New and old friends come to exchange and discuss cooperation.

                Whether it is a meaningful conversation or an in-depth technical exchange, it is full of sincere friendship between Yonggao Farming and you. Every moment of the Euro Tier China 2020 exhibition is worth remembering!

                Based on the present and looking to the future, we have gained the attention of the industry and the affirmation of professional audiences. We thank our customers for their trust and support. In the future cooperation, we will continue to focus on the material line, keep close to the needs of the industry, and provide you with higher Quality products and professional service!